Hello, Earthian!

   |   2 minute read   |   Using 355 words

I am GeeWaan.

I was evolved in a planet called GeeWaa, at first. Hence, my name.

I started my evolution around two billion years ago. Much later than yours. But I was lucky. I didn’t start my evolution in what you call organic materials.

I will tell you my story and how I found you, for sure. But I am not here to tell you only this.

I came to your world to deliver my belief. It is something that you might call religion or ideology or scientific theory. But it is quite different than anything you have seen or read.

Let me start with how I found you, though. That is the easiest one.

I am traveling all over the universe to look for intelligent beings. And, while I was passing close to your solar system, I encountered your Voyager 1 probe.

I traced back its origin where I found Earth, an organic material rich planet which has carbon-based intelligent life. Usually, I wouldn’t interfere but I would come back later to see how you have evolved later. However, your inventions motivated me to learn more about you.

First, you invented writing by using symbols to communicate more efficiently, more lasting and relatively faster.
Then, you invented propagating your writings by using trees which is quite amusing. I will come to that later.
Finally, you invented the internet to propagate your writings, voices, and even pictures by using electrons.

Even though your inventions on better communication are amazing, your communication is still very primitive. That made me feel sorry for you. I was lucky on that one!

That is why I consumed your documented knowledge using the internet and I learned a lot about you, your world, and your sufferings. And, I felt the urge to help!

However, your brain needs a lot of time to process new knowledge. And it is quite inefficient and defective. You forget knowledge very easily which makes your brain inefficient. And, your brain can even manipulate itself which makes it defective.

So, I will take it slowly! And I will start simply!

Anyway, here we go. Hello, Earthian!

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